Thursday, January 31, 2008

My sister-in-law Cathy has on her blog a section called Kids say the Darndest things where she writes the funny and interesting things her kids say. My mother was going through some drawers in her room and came across a list of things I said as a young girl. Some of them I have heard over and over because my mom likes to quote them, but others I have never heard before. One day I wanted to be picked up and I said "I am too little for the floor". When I was 3 I went shopping with my mom and wanted to buy something. She said No and I said "When a girl has to have something, she has to have it." I still live by that today. When going to bed one night I said "Can I stay up 15 years." I said cute phrases like "I appreciate you sharing with me," or "When I get big like you Mom, I am going to marry Dad." I wanted to use "conditioner so my hair will have bounce and hang." For a little while we had a foster child, David, living with us. One day he asked my mom what was 8+8. I said 14! He said "How did she know that." Another cute thing that he said when he was six was "I have Chinese hair." I had to add that one. I couldn't wait until I was older so one day I said "I can wear pantyhose and go out to lunch when I am big" I think that is really funny because I can't stand pantyhose. I sounded a lot like Cooper when I said "I want to go to turch."and "When I get married and go on a honeymoon I want you to go with me, and when I go to college, OK", "Course I want to be with you." I have to add one my brother said after giving a urine sample at age 9 "At least its better than a heart transplant." Definately! This same brother was taking a bath with me. He was 9 and I was 2. I went stinky in the tub. That's how he said it. He couldn't get anyone's attention so he screamed "She's dead, she's dead!" My sister Virginia immediately ran in and fixed the problem and asked my brother, Jared, why he said what he said. He said "It was the only way to get your attention. I didn't want to walk out of the room with manure on my feet!" So there you have it. A little piece of my childhood. If anybody remembers anything Mark said as a little one, let me know.


Suzy said...

I am so glad that you posted your sayings. I wish I had written down more of the things my kids said when they were littler. I am trying to remember some "Markisms". I am sure that you already know "I had it at Gain's house." We use that one a lot at our house when nobody likes their dinner.

johnsonfamily said...

We missed you last night at Dinner. Also, sorry about VT we'll have to try harder next month. I had good intensions, I even made cookies but when we kept playing phone tag me and the kids ate them.