Friday, February 8, 2008

Is It Good With Chopsticks?

Camden celebrated the Chinese New Year this past week at school. At snack time, they ate popcorn with chopsticks. Since then Camden has been eating everything with his chopsticks. He even ate a burrito with them after I cut them up in small pieces. Today he decided to eat grapes. I casually mentioned that we should eat some Chinese or Japanese food with them sometime soon. He thought that idea would be pretty cool, until I mentioned sushi. I asked him if he would try it for me. EWWW !! That was certainly expected, but his next response I will never forget. "Is it good with chopsticks?" You tell me-Do chopsticks make sushi taste better?

1 comment:

Suzy said...

I can't even eat sushi without chopsticks so yes they do make it taste better. All our kids have said "ick" but now they all love sushi!