Friday, January 25, 2008


Today I was remembering how curious kids can be. Today was Cooper's day off of school and he was full of questions. As a mom I will admit that I get distracted when my kids are talking to me. I will answer with uh-huh, sure, yes, just a minute, etc. Today I was trying very hard to listen to all of Cooper's questions. Here are a few of the questions I had to answer:

Mom, what are you when you be a student?
No, Mom, what is a student in Kindergarten?
Mom, Why am I not in Kindergarten?
Mom, who are you going to vote for?
Mom, are you going to vote for the guy who won the game and became President?
-my reply: who Mitt Romney
No, mom, the guy who won the game and became President
my reply: George Bush? He can't be the President again, he has been in a long time
No, not him the guy who won the game and became President?
--I have no clue--
Mom, lets play twenty questions
Mom, what is close to the ground, changes colors, and animals live on it?
Mom, what has a roof, moves, and doors open
Mom, what is ..........
Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom

I am pretty sure that is when I started tuning him out again, and went back to uh-huh, sure, yes, in a minute, etc. I really did try very hard.


AP said...

I have tried to answer Izzy and Dylan's questions with equally absurd quesions of my own, and we all end up with the giggles. It seems the questions never end, though, doesn't it? I applaud you for trying!

Suzy said...

Cooper is so dang cute. I had the best time with him at Lagoon. He had so many cute questions and sayings. Send him over any time.