Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Did you know?

Did you know that Salt Lake has an Aquarium. I had no idea!! It is on 106th South and 700 East. It is very small right now. They are trying to raise money to build a larger one here. How cool would that be! When my cousin moved here she worked at the aquarium and was able to get us some family passes. Last night we took the kids. Notice the picture below is not our children (in case you haven't seen them for a while.) We forgot the camera.
This exhibit was pretty cool. You could touch the sting rays. They had about 5 or 6 of them swimming around in this pool and they seemed to really like the attention.
It was so neat to see the jellyfish. I have never seen jellyfish that weren't in an animated movie. It was a very small place, but it was a fun place to take the kids.


Suzy said...

That sounds like a lot of fun. Grace would love it. We'll have to put it on our list of things to do next time we visit.

ashley said...

Jarom took me there for my birthday last year. It's so cool. The jellyfish were my favorite. Those things are so crazy looking! Your kids are getting so grown up. I love reading about them. I can't wait to see you guys in a few weeks. :)
