Friday, August 8, 2008

The Family Reunion

We had so much fun in Colorado this past week. My sister Virginia, my bro Eric, and I all went to my sister Kirsten's in Denver, Colorado (you should hear Cooper say Denver, Colorado--it is so cute) I counted it all up and I believe there were 18 cousins that all got to play together. A first in a long time. My family is so spread out that it is very rare to see each other. We were still missing my brothers Josh, Seth, and Jared. My kids had a great time!! Although we had a lot of fun we had quite the scare!! If you can see in the picture above of Camden he has a lump on his neck under his ear. We took him to an instacare and they have him antibiotics and said to see the dr when we get home right away. His doc didn't know what was going on and wanted to rule out all the bad things first. So-- we spent our whole day up at Primary Children's hospital testing Camden for cancer. Pretty scary but all tests were negative. The doc said he looks real healthy. He gave him a stronger antibiotic to get rid of the swollen lymph node. This whole thing made me do a lot of thinking. What would I do if I lost one of these little guys? I don't know what I would do. I am so thankful to have them in my life. It is amazing how these kids have taught me so much. I have become a better person b/c of them. I wouldn't change anything!! I love ya Cam and am so, so, so glad you are healthy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad he is okay. That sounded terrifying.